Abraham Wolde is a 18 years old and just completed 12th grade. He passed 12th grade matriculation with good grades and hopes to go to collage. He is a very well mannered young man who is expected to do well. He has a sponsor
Setotaw Assefa is a 14 years old boy from destitute family around Teklehaimanot his father is blind and the mother supports the family by selling lottery tickets. He is in 8th grade and he has two brothers. He has a sponsor.
Makeda Alem is an 12 years old girl, she is an orphan being raised by her aunt. She is in 6th grade and is good in school. She is a happy child, very engaging and friendly. She has a sponsor.
Tsion Worku is a 11th grade student from Teklehaimanot area. She has a sponsor.
Yalfal Tewodaj is from Teklehaimanot
area and is in a 2nd year of vocational training to become a building inspector.
Tsegereda Nega is 19, and completed high school. She lost her mother who was her only family two years ago. Their landlady has taken her in and neighbors keep an eye on her.